Saturday, November 1, 2008


This year the WHOLE family wore costumes. Steve only occasionally wants to get a costume and this year, he was in the mood. He came home one day and said, "I want to be Shrek for Halloween." I figured he'd get over that. Then he said it another day, so I figured he was serious. I asked him (innocently), "who is going to be your Princess Fiona? Ashley?" He responded, "I was kinda thinking you could be Fiona." Well, it was a lot of fun, we turned some heads, and got a lot of laughs. I was glad I could be the ogre version--much less stress!

Ashley came up with her own costume as "Little Miss Muffet." She looked great! Alyssa was perfectly happy reusing her hippie outfit with a few embellishments. Arianna was Lucy from Chronicles of Narnia. DJ was Captain America! We tried hard to convince him to try a different costume. Alyssa proclaimed it as "hideous," but in the end he had his heart on that one (one size too small--the only one in the store) and I let him have it. After all, this is for the kids people!

1 comment:

Cara said...

Ha Ha! Thats great!!!!